Check out what's happening at Wesley Acres this year!

Wesley Acres' 50th Anniversary!
50th Anniversary Summer Events
May 19 - Kickoff, Unveiling Banner & Prayer Walk
June 29 - Concert with “Our Journey”
June 30 - Hymn Sing
July 1 - Canada Day Celebrations
July 2 - David Dyer Memorial “Fishing with a Pro” Derby
July 3 - Women's Breakfast, Surf & Turf, Funnel Cake Night
July 4 - Men’s Breakfast, Baseball Game, Apple Pie Night
July 6 - Children’s Musical, Concert- “The Kenny Family”
July 7 - Picnic Lunch
July 13 - Concert- “Hill Quartet”
July 14 - Hymn Sing
July 15 - Sandcastle Contest, Price is Right
July 16 - Pickleball, Lemon Pie Night
July 17 - Ladies 70's Outdoor Party
July 18 - Men's Jubilee Breakfast, Children's Treasure Hunt, Trivia Night
July 19 - Volleyball
July 20 - Christmas in July; Cookie Decorating, Turkey Dinner
July 21 - Picnic Lunch
August 4 - Teddy Bear Picnic, Hymn Sing
August 6 - Gold Rush
August 7 - Ladies Jubilee Intergenerational High Tea
August 8 - Men’s Breakfast
August 9 - Corn Roast
August 10 - Children’s Musical, Silent Auction, Live Auction
August 11 - Picnic Lunch
August 31 - Fall Festival